Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Happy Holidays!

Lots of family are coming back this year so I'm looking forward to a lot of catch up time with my cousins and to finally meet their kids. We have a wedding 2 days after Christmas so we're busy preparing for that too (including a bachelorette party Christmas night)!

It's been so busy lately and I doubt that I will have any time to get online and post any messages.
Once everything settles down, I'll be back with hopefully some good stories to share with all of you. So to the 4 of you that actually read my blog, have a wonderfully joyous and safe holiday season.


Wednesday, December 3, 2008

sit around the campfire and hold hands with flowers in our hair acoustic guitar

I've been wanting to learn how to play the guitar for years and finally decided to do it. So Pedali and I go to see a guitar that may be good for me and in a price range that I can live with. Pedali, the self-proclaimed guitar guru, says I should invest in an intermediate level guitar and that I should expect to spend at least $300 for it. Ok, that's a little hard for me to swallow since I don't know anything about playing the guitar. As my BFF and guitar Yoda, I trust him.

Well it looks like it's gonna take me at least another month before I actually get started on my lessons. Apparently, I have to cut my nails to play the guitar and I'm not exactly thrilled at the idea. So I promised myself that I would sacrifice the girly girl hands to learn but after my cousin's wedding on Dec. 27th, I'm a bridesmaid and would like to be a girly girl at the wedding.

I'm actually very excited about learning something new, however I do expect that I'll get my head ripped off a lot by my instructor. I can't tell if I'll be any good at it but I hope I have some talent. I love the sound of a guitar! There is just something about an acoustic that just makes me happy.